quark|quarks in English


hadron, elementary subatomic particle, any of the particles that make up atomic particles (Physics)

Use "quark|quarks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quark|quarks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quark|quarks", or refer to the context using the word "quark|quarks" in the English Dictionary.

1. However, the neutron consists of one up quark (charge +2/3) and two down quarks (charge –1/3), and the Antineutron consists of one anti-up quark

2. A proton contains two up quarks and one down quark; a neutron contains two down and one up.

3. So the energetic quark quickly rips more quarks and antiquarks out of the vacuum of empty space, and they instantaneously form particles called mesons, each containing a quark and an antiquark.

4. Hadrons inherit their flavour quantum number from their valence quarks: this is the basis of the classification in the quark model.

5. ‘The Antineutron, although neutral like the neutron, is distinguishable from the neutron because it is composed of two anti-down quarks and one anti-up quark.’ ‘The Antineutron contains one anti-up quark and two anti-down quarks, giving it a charge of 0, just like the regular neutron.’

6. Jaffe 1977 suggested the H dibaryon, a six-quark state with equal numbers of up-, down-, and strange quarks (represented as uuddss or udsuds).

7. High-energy collisions can cause the quarks within hadrons, or newly created quarkAntiquark pairs, to fly apart from each other with very high energies.

8. Our confidence in this procedure is bolstered because a similar approach accurately predicted the top quark mass before any top quarks had been detected directly.

9. One can show that this colorless state exists for three combinations of quark states only: (1) the quark-Antiquark pair with color and anticolor, (2) three quarks, or (3) three Antiquarks, with the appropriate linear combinations of colors or anticolors.

10. In contextparticlelang=en terms the difference between Antiquark and quark is that Antiquark is (particle) the antiparticle of a quark while quark is (particle) in the standard model, an elementary subatomic particle which forms matter quarks are never found alone in nature and combine to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons.

11. Quarks & Antiquarks Quarks and Antiquarks are the fundamental particles

12. Positron emission happens when an up quark changes into a down quark.

13. Quarks exist in a soup of other quarks, Antiquarks and gluons within a proton or neutron

14. [The neutron is an example of an electrically neutral particle that is not its own Antiparticle; like the proton, the neutron contains more quarks than anti-quarks, whereas the anti-neutron contains more anti-quarks than quarks.]

15. The antiparticle of a quark is the Antiquark. Quarks and Antiquarks are the only two fundamental particles that interact through all four fundamental forces of physics: gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak interactions.

16. Quark 296129 Quark Copydesk 10 1-User Mac/Win Esd Product information Technical Details

17. A new quark potential model, called quark delocalization and color screening model[sentencedict .com], has been proposed.

18. Quarks and Antiquarks The baryons and mesons are complex subatomic particles built from more-elementary objects, the quarks

19. Quark Copydesk has been added to Game-Debate but does not currently have the Quark Copydesk system requirements

20. Antiquark is a derived term of quark

21. The quark-Antiquark potential has been a very useful tool for the investigation of strong interactions and quark confinement

22. Antiquark - the antiparticle of a quark

23. Each quark has a matching Antiquark

24. There are six distinct flavors of quark.

25. All stable configurations of quarks, Antiquarks, and gluons have zero net color, which requires either three quarks (because red + blue + green sum to …